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Ranbuild Australia recently partnered with Australian charity Rural Aid to support farmers and rural communities through the Buy A Bale Campaign. During the months of January and February Ranbuild donated $100 for every shed sold across Australia. On Friday 10th of May, Ranbuild were able to donate to 16 Farmers in the way of feed for their livestock, and vouchers for their local supermarket in Murrurundi, 2.5 hours North West of Newcastle, NSW.

What a fantastic effort by our National Dealer Network assisting us to contribute such a sum to an industry that has supported us for 70 years.

“Stories of husbands going to work just to feed their stock, and wives going to work to feed their kids; ones of water having to be purchased since February 2018 and another downsizing their herd from over 200 to 50 really put into life into perspective. Eye opening to see the severity at our back door and across the country. Thank you to Chris Currie for supporting this initiative and to Craig Nealon for putting this video together capturing the raw and highly emotive experience. I can honestly say that this is the highlight of my working career so far, and I could not see such a humbling yet confronting experience being surpassed in the near future.”

Brooke Hawkins
Customer Service Manager

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